Nemesio Salcedo to the Spanish Governor, May 19, 1806 

G[overnor of] T[exas]

By the diary and copies remitted in your official letter n[umbe]r 198, dated last April 23, I have been informed that Serg[ea]nt Vicente Tarín , whom [Your Lordship] commissioned to pursue some Comanche Indians who perpetrated a robbery on the Laredo road, succeeded in recapturing sixteen animals. [I have also been apprised] that Y[our] L[ordship] has ordered Captain D[o]n Fran[cis]co Amangual to go with a party of troops to the rancheria of the aforesaid tribe and make their chiefs understand that they are under obligation to punish members of that tribe who may commit depredations in our territory, and that, in order better to discuss matters relative to these points, in this case and others t[ha]t may come up, it is necessary for the aforesaid chiefs to elect and propose one chief of the tribe. I am waiting for your report of results.

[May] God gu[ar]d Y[our] L[ordship] m[an]y y[ear]s.

Chihuahua, May 19, 1806

Nemesio Salcedo


D[o]n Antonio Cordero [LS]

SPANISH ARCHIVES TRANSLATIONS (May 1-31, June 1-15, 1806) Vol. 15 By J. Villasana Haggard Translator of the Bexar Archives Archives 1938 The University of Texas