Lieutenant Colonel José Francisco Ruiz Asks For Money
Owed Him For the Auctioning of the Ruins of the Mission.
Sept. 7, 1827.

I have solicited payment of 328 pesos from the Commissioner of this captial to reimburse Lieutenant Colonel Don Francisco Ruiz for the auction of the secularized mission's building ruins. This is in reference to your excellency's official letter No. 24 dated August 19 last, in which you directed the city officials relative to this matter.

In your official letter you tell us: Even though Lieutenant Colonel Francisco Ruiz has just cause to demand payment, it is not in your jursidication to pay the 328 pesos that he is owed for the buildings that the supreme government ordered auctioned in Béjar.

This is in answer to your excellency's official letter received today pertaining to this matter. I write this in your best interest so that you might be informed of the cited letter. Because it has been ordered, it is by this means said money owed for the house of the late Lieutenant Colonel Juan de Castañeda should be collected and paid to the Lieutenant Colonel.

God and Liberty,
Saltillo, Mexico,
Sept. 7, 1827.

Victor Blanco,Governor. By T. Antonio Padilla, Secretary. To the Chief of the Department of Béjar.

Translated by: John O. Leal, Bexar Co. Archivist, July 29, 1986. Bexar Co. Archives, microfilm roll 107, # 34-35, Sept. 7, 1827
Edited By Randell Tarín, 01 April 2000.